Saturday, September 24, 2011

Late-Night Conversations

I have a good friend, a best friend, who inevitably keeps me up till the wee hours of the morning, talking about life, the universe, and everything, and usually about the intricacies of people, specifically the intricacies of relationships, the most complicated systems in existence.

And talking tonight, we had the most excellent conversation, where we talked about me, specifically, but people like me, as well. And we came to the conclusion, that:

"Part of your happiness is the fight
not just the result."

And it just sounds so poetic and true, I'm posting it here. What brings about your happiness? I don't believe in being handed your life. I think your life should be something you earn, something that you mold, and shape, and bring about. Something that you occasionally suffer for. I'm not advocating suffering, but I am saying that life should not always be about making yourself as comfortable as possible. My greatest peace has come at times when I am extremely challenged by my circumstances. I know of no better feeling in the world than displacing yourself for a while, and serving others. That's the truly bizarre thing about service, I think, the more you humble yourself for others, the more you discover about yourself - and the more you feel true happiness.