My name is Kelli. Very shortly here (in the next month or so), I will be moving to the Netherlands to conduct a nine month Fulbright Research Internship, examining brain activation in children with ADHD. You can check out my Holland blog here.
I originally started Existentialist Egg as a forum for Difficult Dialogues, a student group at Ohio University that centered on providing and integrating students, faculty, and community members into discussions and events that challenged stereotypes and pre-conceived notions about a variety of religious, political, and sociological concepts. Nowadays, Existentialist Egg is a place where I come to share my thoughts, occasionally vent, and attempt to be clever while talking about things I probably know too little about. If you enjoy reading my ramblings, or if every once in a while you wander out the front door to get coffee and want something interesting to tickle you noggin, welcome in.